2025 Opening Night & Award Presentation is THURSDAY 15 May @ 6.30pm


Terms & Conditions Clare Virtual Art Exhibition

All artworks shall be visible via Gallery 247.  Sales for the Virtual (on line) Art Exhibition will commence at the same time as the Physical Art Show but will be online until Sunday 2nd of June 2024 at midnight.

Artists shall indicate at time of entry, if the work is to be for the physical art show only, virtual exhibition only or both. 

Only entries to the physical art show are eligible for judging and the awarding of prizes.

All entries to the physical art show, if not sold during the physical show, shall be returned to artists via the usual methods.

For sales made from the Virtual Exhibition, the delivery of the art work is to be arranged directly between the artist and the buyer if:
(a) entered into the Virtual Art Exhibition only and;

(b) if entered into both Physical + Virtual exhibitions and the artwork is sold AFTER the end of the physical Clare Art Show.   Any associated delivery costs are to be negotiated between the artist and the buyer.

Sales commissions are the same for both the physical art show and the virtual art exhibition.  Details available >Fees & Commissions

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